Customizing Buttons

Normal Button

Normally by default the buttons looks like primary WordPress buttons.

GLFW manual
._df_button {
 //your style goes here

Changing Color

GLFW manual
._df_button {
     background: grey !important;
     border: none !important;
     color: white !important;
 ._df_button:hover {
     background: #444 !important;

Custom Class

Extra classes can be used to change style for certain buttons only.

GLFW manual
.red_button {
     background: crimson !important;
     border: none !important;
     color: white !important;
 .red_button:hover {
     background: red !important;

2 thoughts on “Customizing Buttons”

  1. Is there a way to recreate a rotate button?

    For example in my PDF there are spreads that are viewed in a portrait orientation. Can a button be created to click on so the PDF can be rotated?


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